Our Life: 23 February – 13 March 2021

posted in: Eastside Gallery, Past | 0

Our Life is an exhibition of work by artists with intellectual disabilities who use The White Room Creative Community Space, Õtautahi, Christchurch. The subject matter of the work is as diverse as the lives of the artists who have created it. Our Life offers a view into each of their worlds and an insight into their creative starting points. As with many artists, there is rarely an end point or a solution.

The exhibition highlights the essential nature of creativity. It is a mechanism to explore and make sense of our world and our lives, whatever our backgrounds.

Opening Event: Tuesday 23 February 5.30-6.45pm

Hosted by: Eastside Gallery, 388 Worcester St, Christchurch.

Opening Hours: Wednesday-Saturday 11am-5pm, free onsite parking.

Our Life
Our Life