The Longest Night: 8-26 June 2021

posted in: Eastside Gallery, Past | 0

With the support of the Morant Foundation, this group exhibition celebrates Matariki and the winter solstice. Artists include Rudolf Boelee, Kim Lowe, Jane Barry, Michael Springer, Jon Jeet, Ken Clark, Gael Abraham, Paul Deans and Alex Prentice. The Morant Foundation was set up by Keith Morant to facilitate the promotion and organisation of exhibitions for Canterbury artists.

Opening Event: Tuesday 8 June 5.30-6.45pm

Hosted by: Eastside Gallery, 388 Worcester St, Christchurch.

Opening Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 11am-5pm, free onsite parking.

Gael Borderlands. High fired stoneware

‘Borderlands 1’ by Gael Abraham, hire fired stoneware.


‘Cycladic (Ancient Stargazer)’ by Paul Deans, cherry wood.

Kim Lowe diptych

‘Longest Night – Shortest Day’ by Kim Lowe, oil on canvas.

Dancing by Moonlight Ken Clark

‘Dancing by Moonlight’ by Ken Clark, limited edition print.

Alex Prentice

‘Matariki’ by Alex Prentice, grogged clay, glaze over brushed white slip.


‘Midnight Flock’ by Jane Barry, acrylic on canvas.

boarder lands 940x680mm acrylic on loose canvas

‘boarderlands’ by Michael Springer, acrylic on loose canvas.

Dashiell 2

‘Dashiell 2’ by Rudolf Boelee, oil on canvas.